FREE, ONLINE Class with Rachelle Seliga

Cultivating Health and Resiliency in Our young children

During infancy and childhood, we develop the BODILY BELIEFS of: Is the world safe? Will I survive? Will I survive in relationship?

Our internalized ‘answers’ to these questions as children, manifest as physiological adaptations. These physiological adaptations impact our long-term health and wellbeing.

“Most people around the world don’t think about the possibility of children being so highly sensitive and easily influenced at such an early stage of life, but they certainly are – even while they are in the womb….Children will store all the hurt and have a hard time healing later on in life unless these wounds are addressed earlier in life.”
-Sobonfu Some, Traditional Medicine Keeper of the West African Dagara Tribe

How do we support our young children’s innate emotional repair processes, ESPECIALLY within the global climate in which we are currently living?

In this free class we will:

  • Understand the global myth that has been perpetuated by health care professionals and families alike – relative to our babies and young children
  • Explore our Innate healing capacities as parents to positively impact our children’s life-long health

  • Be given simple yet profound tools to begin working with immediately – to create wellness in our family systems

Enter your name and email to watch this free class:

Rachelle Seliga

is a Mother, Wife and midwife, who has spent the past 19 years working with women and families, in service to woman-centered/ family-centered birth, health, and Life. She is deeply invested in the revitalization of community living as the most important medicine of our times.

Rachelle is the Creator and Director of INNATE Postpartum Care Trainings; offering a framework of postpartum wellness to birth and health care providers worldwide. And Co-Founder of Starseed Root School of Traditional Healing, a revillaging project and educational center.

All of Rachelle’s work is dedicated to midwifing a cultural shift – honoring our innate wisdom, personal authority and the sanctity of Life.

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Cultivating health & Resiliency in Our Young Children